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Montgomery Creek School

Mountain Union Elementary School District

Project Share

Project SHARE (Shasta Health Academic and Recreation Enrichment) provides after school services to participating districts and schools.  Services include supervision of programming, personnel and finances.  Project funds are received from the California Department of Education’s (CDE) After School Education and Safety (ASES) and the Federal 21st Century Community Learning Center’s After School Education and Safety for Teens (ASSET’s) programs. Program funding is for the purpose of supporting participants in being successful students.  This is accomplished through offerings that include academic interventions, tutoring and homework assistance; recreation and enrichments.  All students at participating school sites are eligible to attend, regardless of parental economic status.  For more information contact Montgomery Creek SHARE 530 339-0041.
Programs begin at the regular day dismissal and conclude at 6 pm. The program is open every day that students are in session with the occasional closure for professional development.
Please note no child can be enrolled until the registration fee is paid. We have been improving our program.   If you have any questions please call at 530-339-0041 Thank you for all your support in maintaining our program.